Understanding Event-Driven Architecture: A Practical Guide

23/12/20244 min read

Event-driven architecture is one of the most elegant approaches we can use when creating digital products. In this article, I'll explain why it's so powerful and show you how to implement it in your projects.

The Problem with Monolithic Code

Let's start with a common scenario in e-commerce: creating an order. While it might seem simple at first glance, creating an order involves multiple operations:

  1. Storing the order in the database
  2. Sending a confirmation email to the customer
  3. Generating a shipping label
  4. Creating a purchase order for the supplier
  5. And potentially many other secondary effects

Traditionally, we might handle this with procedural code that executes all these tasks sequentially. However, this approach has several drawbacks:

  • The code becomes large and complex
  • It's difficult to maintain and evolve
  • A failure in any secondary operation (like sending an email) could cause the entire order creation to fail
  • Different teams (like logistics and e-commerce) need to coordinate changes to the same code
  • Testing becomes more complicated as the code grows

Enter Event-Driven Architecture

Instead of having one massive piece of code handling everything, event-driven architecture allows us to break this down into smaller, more manageable pieces. Here's how it works:

  1. We create an event (like "OrderCreated") when the order is saved
  2. This event is distributed through an event bus
  3. Different components (listeners or consumers) independently handle their specific responsibilities

This approach brings several benefits:

  • Reduced Complexity: Each piece of code has a single responsibility
  • Better Error Handling: A failure in sending an email won't affect the order creation
  • Easier Testing: Components can be tested independently
  • Improved Maintainability: Teams can work on their specific components without touching others
  • Flexibility: Adding or removing secondary effects becomes as simple as adding or removing listeners

Implementing an Event Bus

Let's look at a simple implementation of an event bus in Python. The event bus needs two main operations:

1. Subscribe

This method allows components to register their interest in specific events:

def subscribe(self, event_class, callback):
    if event_class not in self.subscribers:
        self.subscribers[event_class] = [callback]

2. Publish

This method distributes events to all interested subscribers:

def publish(self, event):
    if event.__class__ not in self.subscribers:
    for callback in self.subscribers[event.__class__]:

Using the Event Bus

Here's how we can use this pattern for our order creation example:

  1. First, we create an event class:
class OrderCreated:
    order_id: int
    items: list
  1. Then, we create our listeners:
def send_confirmation_email(event):
    # Handle email sending
def generate_packing_slip(event):
    # Handle shipping label generation
  1. Finally, we wire everything together:
event_bus = EventBus()
event_bus.subscribe(OrderCreated, send_confirmation_email)
event_bus.subscribe(OrderCreated, generate_packing_slip)

# When creating an order:
event_bus.publish(OrderCreated(order_id=123, items=[...]))

Beyond In-Memory Events

While our example shows an in-memory event bus, this pattern can be extended to work across services and systems. You can use tools like:

  • RabbitMQ
  • Apache Kafka
  • AWS EventBridge
  • Azure Service Bus

These tools allow you to implement event-driven architectures across different services, servers, and even different companies.


Event-driven architecture is a powerful pattern that offers tremendous flexibility and maintainability. While the implementation can be quite simple, the benefits it brings to your codebase are significant:

  • Decoupled components
  • Single responsibility principle
  • Easier testing
  • Better error handling
  • Simplified maintenance

Next time you find yourself writing a piece of code that triggers multiple secondary effects, consider using an event-driven approach. The initial investment in setting up the event bus will pay off many times over as your application grows and evolves.

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